pe plaja
Situat chiar pe plaja cu nisip, aproape de orasul Sozopol, hotelul de 5 stele Duni Marina Beach - All Inclusive face parte din complexul exclusivist Duni Royal. Complexul Duni are 4 piscine, 10 terenuri de tenis si un nou parc acvatic, disponibil gratuit doar pentru oaspetii complexului. Tariful camerelor include mic dejun tip bufet, mic dejun tarziu, pranz, gustări, cafea si prăjituri, colt de sandvisuri, cină si gustări noaptea. Sunt incluse si băuturi locale, fără limită de consum. In plus, puteti savura preparate italiene delicioase la restaurantul à la carte Milanese si puteti degusta specialitătile bulgare de neegalat, propuse de taverna traditională a proprietătii. Restaurantul principal Marina Palace oferă vedere panoramică la complex. Facilitătile de divertisment includ tenis de masă, tir cu arcul, darts, volei pe plajă, gimnastică aerobică si surfing. De asemenea, există o discotecă si un bar la terenul de tenis. Plaja si piscinele de la Marina Beach sunt supravegheate de salvamari si beneficiază de un serviciu de prosoape. Există un snack bar, un punct medical, umbrele de soare, sezlonguri si dusuri. Oaspetii pot folosi centrul spa al unei proprietăti din apropiere, la un cost suplimentar. Orasul Sozopol este la 10 minute de mers cu masina, iar aeroportul orasului Burgas se află la aproximativ 40 km de complexul Duni Royal.
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Duni Marina Beach

Duni Marina Beach

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul vara 2025...ADRESA 8133 Duni.LOCALIZARE: pe plaja. INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost construit in anul 2007.CAPACITATE: • cladire cu 6 etaje • 5 lifturi • 179 camere duble (max. 2+1 persoane, 23  m²) • 63 suite Junior (max. 2+2 / 3+1 persoane, 33 m²) • 19 apartamente cu un dormitor(max. 2+2 / 3+1 persoane, 38 m²).TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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MARINA BEACH HOTEL *****, Duni Resort: Duni Beach: Sandy, in front of the hotel Location: Duni Resort, on the seafront Accommodation: The hotel offers accommodation in double rooms, junior suits, suites and maisonettes. The hotel has 5 lifts. DBL 2+0/2+1: 26-28 m² - The room offers two separate standard beds which can be joined on request and an extendable armchair as an extra bed. Rooms have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 1 child or 3 adults. DBL 2+0/2+1 SEA: 26-28 m² - The room offers two separate standard beds which can be joined on request and an extendable armchair as an extra bed. Rooms have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 1 child or 3 adults. JUNIOR SUITE 2+2/3+1: 32-36 m² Offers one larger room with two beds (one single and one small double bed) and seating nook with sofa. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children and 3 adults and 1 child. JUNIOR SUITE 2+2/3+1 SEA: 32-36 m² Offers one larger room with two beds (one single and one small double bed) and seating nook with sofa. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children and 3 adults and 1 child. SUITE 2+2/3+1: 38-40 m² Offers two separate by a door rooms – a living room with seating nook with an extendable sofa and a bedroom with king-size bed. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, and the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults and 1 child. SUITE 2+2/3+1 SEA: 38-40 m² Offers two separate by a door rooms – a living room with seating nook with an extendable sofa and a bedroom with king-size bed. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, and the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults and 1 child. MAISONETTE 4+0 VIP SEA: 80-90 m² A two-storey flat with luxury furniture and sea view. Offers one living room and two bedrooms with king-size bed. In each room there is one double bed, on the floor there is one bathroom with WC. In the living room there is a second WC. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV in each room, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, carpet, balcony or terrace. The maximum occupancy is 4 adults. APP 4+0 PRESIDENT SEA: 130-140 m² Offers two bedrooms with king-size bed and one large living room with luxury furniture and frontal sea view. In each room there is a double bed and private bathroom and WC. In the living room there is a second WC. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV in each room, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, carpet, balcony or terrace. The maximum occupancy is 4 adults. Baby cot is provided free of charge, upon request. Pets are not allowed. There are no good facilities for disabled people. About the hotel and DUNI complex: 3 main restaurants: Marina Beach, Holiday Village and Pelikan; 2 “A-la-carte” restaurants, open only for dinner, with service. A reservation in advance is required. ( (“Mehana” - Bulgarian national cuisine, in Holiday Village; “Milanese”- Italian cuisine, in Belleville hotel;) ; 3 lobby bars; 4 pool  bars; 1 snack bar at the beach; tennis courts’ bar (self-service) , 1 Disco bar in Holiday Village. 3 outdoor swimming pools, with kid’s pools, AQUA PARK, open in the period 01. June – 15. September, 2 kids clubs in Pelican and in Marina Beach, children entertainment, amphitheater with evening show programs in Holiday Village area. 2 conference halls - up to 40 people and up to 80 people. Sport and SPA:  SPA centre in Marina Royal Palace, sport facilities are located all over the resort - 10 tennis courts; table tennis; archery; stretching, body balance, body combat, tabata, Nordic walking, dance aerobic, water aerobic, step-aerobic,   beach volleyball, beach football.  
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Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul de vara 2025. ADRESA: 8240 DuniLOCALIZARE: la 300-500 de metri de plaja. INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost renovat in anul 2010. CAPACITATE: • camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • camere duble superioare - toate camerele sunt renovate si cu mobilier nou (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 128 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 38 m²).TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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la 200 m de plaja vezi hotelul pe harta
Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul de vara 2025... ADRESA: 8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 400 de metri de plaja.INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost renovat in anul 2009. CAPACITATE: • 3 cladiri cu cate 6 etaje • 2 lifturi • 189 camere duble(max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 40 suite Junior( max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 26 m²) • 4 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 33 - 38 m²). TIP PENSIUNE: ALL INCLUSIVE: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 - 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Hotelul Pelikan se află la aproximativ 150 de metri de plajă și la aproximativ 500 de metri de centrul stațiunii. Inspirat de stilul arhitectural al mănăstirilor din perioada renașterii bulgare, hotelul oferă oaspeților săi oportunitatea de a experimenta cultura bulgară. Situat într-o locație care oferă liniște și calm, departe de agitația plajei, dar totuși în apropierea acesteia, distanța până la zona de coastă este parcursă plăcut pe aleile împodobite cu flori. Atmosfera liniștită, alături de grădinile unice și peisajele pitorești care se desfășoară în diferitele secțiuni ale hotelului, fac din acesta un loc ideal pentru relaxare completă.
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Holiday Village Duni

Holiday Village Duni

Situat langă Sozopol, la doar 400 de metri de plajă, Duni Holiday Village - All Inclusive face parte din complexul impresionant Duni Royal È™i oferă unități de cazare amenajate luxos. Holiday Village are 4 piscine in aer liber cu zonă pentru copii È™i un nou parc acvatic disponibil gratuit doar pentru oaspeÈ›ii complexului. Tariful camerelor include un mic dejun tip bufet, un mic dejun tarziu, masa de pranz, gustări, cafea È™i prăjituri, un colÈ› cu sandviÈ™uri, masa de seară È™i gustări de noapte. Sunt incluse È™i băuturi locale, fără limită de consum. In plus, poate să savura preparate italiene delicioase la restaurantul à la carte Milanese È™i să guste specialități bul de neegalat de la taverna tradiÈ›ională a proprietății. La complex există 10 terenuri de tenis, terenuri cu aer È™i tenis de masă, darts volei pe plajă, aerobic È™i surfing. De asemenea, există o discotecă È™i un bar la terenul de tenis. La Hotelul Belleville din apropiere aveÈ›i la dispoziÈ›ie o plajă supravegheată echipată cu umbrele de soare, È™ezlonguri È™i duÈ™uri È™i unde există un snack bar È™i un punct medical. In orasul Sozopol se poate ajunge cu usurintă in 10 minute de mers cu masină, iar Aeroportul din Burgas este situat la aproximativ 40 km.
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Duni Marina Royal Palace

Duni Marina Royal Palace

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul vara 2025...ADRESA:  8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 50 de metri de plaja. INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost construit in anul 2004. CAPACITATE: • 2 cladiri cu cate 7 etaje • 7 lifturi • 214 camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23-26 m²) • 43 suite Junior (max. 2+/3+1, 32-36 m²) • 54 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1, 38-40 m²)TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive, vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.  
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La 50 de metri de plaja vezi hotelul pe harta
Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul vara 2025...ADRESA:  8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 50 de metri de plaja. INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost construit in anul 2004. CAPACITATE: • 2 cladiri cu cate 7 etaje • 7 lifturi • 214 camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23-26 m²) • 43 suite Junior (max. 2+/3+1, 32-36 m²) • 54 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1, 38-40 m²)TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive, vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.  
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Duni Holiday Village

Duni Holiday Village

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul de vara 2025. ADRESA: 8240 DuniLOCALIZARE: la 300-500 de metri de plaja. INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost renovat in anul 2010. CAPACITATE: • camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • camere duble superioare - toate camerele sunt renovate si cu mobilier nou (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 128 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 38 m²).TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Duni Belleville Hotel

Duni Belleville Hotel

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul vara 2025...ADRESA: 8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 300 de metri de plaja.INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost construit in anul 2003 si renovat in anul 2016.CAPACITATE: • cladire cu 6 etaje • 4 lifturi • 188 camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 13 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 40-42 m²). TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive, vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Duni Royal Pelikan Hotel

Duni Royal Pelikan Hotel

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul de vara 2024... Adresa: 8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 200 de metri de plaja.INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost renovat in anul 2009. CAPACITATE: • 3 cladiri cu cate 6 etaje • 2 lifturi • 189 camere duble(max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 40 suite Junior( max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 26 m²) • 4 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 33 - 38 m²). TIP PENSIUNE:ALL INCLUSIVE: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 - 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Duni Royal Pelikan Hotel

Duni Royal Pelikan Hotel

Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul de vara 2025... ADRESA: 8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 400 de metri de plaja.INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost renovat in anul 2009. CAPACITATE: • 3 cladiri cu cate 6 etaje • 2 lifturi • 189 camere duble(max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 40 suite Junior( max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 26 m²) • 4 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 33 - 38 m²). TIP PENSIUNE: ALL INCLUSIVE: vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 - 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Marina Royal Palace ***** Dune resort Resort: Dune Beach: Sandy Location: right on the beach. Accommodation: The hotel offers dbl rooms, junior suites, suits, apartments. It has 7 elevators. DBL 2 + 0/2 + 1 / DBL 2 + 0 SEA /2 + 1 SEA / DBL 2 + 0 POOL /2 + 1 POOL: 26-28 m2. There are 2 single beds and 1 extendible arm-chair; carpet; individually - controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09; satellite TV; bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer; safe; mini bar; balcony or terrace. Maxim. accommodation for 3 adults. JUNIOR SUITE 2 + 2/3 + 1/ JUNIOR SUITE 2 + 2 SEA/3 + 1 SEA/ JUNIOR SUITE 2 + 2 POOL/3 + 1 POOL: 32-36 m2. Luxurious room, similar to a double room, but more spacious, with the same amenities. Double bed and 1 extendible sofa bed; carpet; individually - controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09; satellite TV; bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer; safe; mini bar; balcony or terrace. Minimum occupancy: 2 adults. Maxim. accommodation 3 adults + 1 child or 2 adults + 2 children. SUITE /MAISONETTE 2 + 2/3 + 1 POOL/ SUITE/MAISONETTE 2 + 2/3 + 1 SEA: 38-40 m2. Consisting of two separate rooms: a bedroom (with a large bed) and a living room separated by a door. There is 1 extendible sofa bed in the living room. Carpet; individually - controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09; satellite TV; bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer; safe; mini bar; balcony or terrace. Minimum accommodation 2 adults. Maxim. accommodation 3 adults + 1 child or 2 adults + 2 children. SUITE 2 + 2/3 + 1 DELUXE SEA: 50-52 m2. More luxurious furniture, recently renovated. Consisting of two separate rooms: a bedroom (with a large bed) and a living room separated by a door. There is 1 extendible sofa bed in the living room. Carpet; individually - controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09; satellite TV; bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer; safe; mini bar; balcony or terrace. Minimum accommodation 2 adults. Maxim. accommodation 3 adults + 1 child or 2 adults + 2 children. APARTMENT 4 + 0 PRESIDENT SEA: It consists of two bedrooms and a spacious living room with luxury furniture. Each bedroom has its own bathroom and toilet with bathtub. There is another toilet in the living room. Large terrace, accessible from all rooms. Carpet; individually - controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09; satellite TV; safe; mini bar. Maximum occupancy 4 adults. A baby cot is provided free of charge, upon prior request. Pets - not allowed. For people with disabilities - there are adapted rooms, but getting around the complex is difficult for people with disabilities. About the hotel and Duni complex: main restaurant, lobby bar, pool bar, indoor and outdoor pools; conference hall for up to 250 people in the hotel; Sky bar in the hotel; snack bar on the beach of the holiday village Duni, tennis court bar in the holiday village Duni /self-service/; Aqua park in the holiday village Duni (open in the period 01. 06 - 15. 09) ; 2 Mini clubs on the territory of the holiday village Duni (located in the other hotels Pelican and Marina Beach) . Amphitheater with evening shows - in the Holiday Village. Sports and SPA: Spa center in Marina Royal Palace - hammam, fitness, massages, hairdresser, manicure, solarium and more. *Sports facilities located all over the whole Duni resort - 10 tennis courts; table tennis; Archery; stretching, body balance, body combat, tabata, dance aerobics, water aerobics, step aerobics; beach volleyball, beach soccer.
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la 300 m de plaja vezi hotelul pe harta
Descrierea hotelului este in curs de actualizare pentru sezonul vara 2025...ADRESA: 8130 Duni.LOCALIZARE: la 300 de metri de plaja.INFORMATII GENERALE: hotelul a fost construit in anul 2003 si renovat in anul 2016.CAPACITATE: • cladire cu 6 etaje • 4 lifturi • 188 camere duble (max. 2+1/3 persoane, 23 m²) • 13 apartamente cu un dormitor (max. 2+2/3+1 persoane, 40-42 m²). TIP PENSIUNE: All Inclusive, vezi descrierea de mai jos.COPII: Turistii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 3 si 11.99 ani sunt considerati copii.
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Duni Royal Resort Holiday Village

Duni Royal Resort Holiday Village

Location: This accommodation lies in a quiet area in Duni, approximately 500 m from the sandy beach. Facilities: The friendly staff at the reception desk in the lobby are happy to answer any questions. To ensure guests a comfortable and relaxing stay, the accommodation provides various services and facilities, including a currency exchange service, a newspaper stand, a childcare service, a hairdresser and a theatre hall. Wireless internet access (for a fee) allows guests to stay connected while on holiday. A number of shops, including a souvenir shop, are great for shopping or just browsing. There is also a playground for younger guests. Rooms: Rooms feature a living area and a bathroom, and air conditioning ensures just the right temperature. Guests have a sea view from the balcony or terrace, which are standard amenities of some rooms. All rooms are carpeted and include a sofa bed. Separate bedrooms can be booked. Children's beds can be requested for younger guests. A safe and a minibar are also available. A refrigerator and a mini fridge are standard features. A telephone, a television with cable channels and WiFi (for a fee) provide all the essentials for a comfortable holiday. Bathrooms are equipped with a shower and a bathtub, as well as a hairdryer. Family rooms are available for parents with children. Sports/Entertainment: The outdoor pool complex includes a children's swimming area and is ideal for working out or just relaxing. Refreshing drinks at the pool bar and a relaxing
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Hotel Holiday Village **** Duni resort   Resort: Duni Beach: Sandy, at 200 - 500 m distance Location: Duni resort, located next to Belleville Hotel Accommodation: The hotel offers accommodation in Double rooms and in Suites. No lifts in the hotel. DBL 2+0/2+1: 23 m² - The room offers 2 single beds and an extensible arm-chair, carpet or terracotta as flooring, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults. DBL 2+0/2+1 SEA: 23 m² - The room offers 2 single beds and an extensible arm-chair, carpet or terracotta as flooring, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults. SUITE 2+2/3+1: 38 - 40 m² - The suite consists of 2 rooms – one bedroom with a double big bed and a living room with an extensible sofa. The rooms are separated with a door. The suite is with a carpet or terracotta, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Minimum occupancy – 2 adults. Maximum accommodation 3 adults and 1 child or 2 adults and 2 children. SUITE 2+2/3+1 Promo:  38 - 40 m² - Located more far away from the beach. The suite consists of 2 rooms – one bedroom with a double big bed and a living room with an extensible sofa. The rooms are separated with a door. The suite is with a carpet or terracotta, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Minimum occupancy – 2 adults. Maximum accommodation 3 adults and 1 child or 2 adults and 2 children. Baby cot is provided free of charge, upon request. Pets are not allowed. There are no good facilities for disabled people. About the hotel and DUNI complex: There is a main restaurant in Holiday Village, sauna and open fitness center in Holiday Village, the clients use the lobby bar in Belleville. In the resort there are 3 main restaurants: Marina Beach, Holiday Village and Pelikan; 2 “A-la-carte” restaurants, open only for dinner, with service. A reservation in advance is required. ( (“Mehana” - Bulgarian national cuisine, in Holiday Village; “Milanese”- Italian cuisine, in Belleville hotel;) ; 3 lobby bars; 4 pool  bars; 1 snack bar at the beach; tennis courts’ bar (self-service) , 1 Disco bar in Holiday Village. 3 outdoor swimming pools, with kid’s pools, AQUA PARK, open in the period 01. June – 15. September, 2 kids clubs in Pelican and in Marina Beach, children entertainment, amphitheater with evening show programs in Holiday Village area. 1 conference hall – for up to 150 pax. Sport and SPA: SPA centre in Marina Royal Palace, sport facilities are located all over the resort - 10 tennis courts; table tennis; archery; stretching, body balance, body combat, tabata, dance aerobics, water aerobics, step-aerobics, beach volleyball and beach football.  
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Pelican Hotel

Pelican Hotel

Location: The hotel is situated at a high altitude with a view of the whole bay of Dyuni. The beach can be reached in around 7 minutes on foot. Burgas Airport is situated at a distance of approximately 53 km, whilst Varna Airport is some 170 km away. Facilities: The hotel has 9 suites, 9 studios, 11 single rooms and 209 double rooms, which are located on 4 storeys and are reachable by lift. Staffed 24 hours a day, the reception desk provides a smooth check-in/check-out service. Amenities include a currency exchange service. Wireless internet access allows guests to stay connected while on holiday. A number of shops, including a supermarket, are great for shopping or just browsing. The grounds of the hotel feature a playground and a lovely garden. Parking facilities available to guests include a garage and a car park. Further services include a childcare service, medical assistance, room service, a laundry service, a hairdresser and a hotel doctor. Rooms: Air conditioning ensures that rooms maintain comfortable temperatures. Guests can enjoy the sea view from a balcony or terrace. All rooms are carpeted and include a double bed. Children's beds can be requested for younger guests. There is also a safe and a desk or, for an additional fee, a minibar. An ironing set is provided for guests' convenience. A direct dial telephone, a television with satellite/cable channels and WiFi (for a fee) are provided as well. Bathrooms are equipped with a bathtub and a
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Pelican  ****  Duni Resort: Duni Beach: Sandy, in front of the hotel – 200m away Location: Duni Resort, on the seafront Accommodation: Hotel have 238 rooms and two lifts. All extra beds are extendable sofa or extendable armchair. DBL 2+0/2+1: 23 sq m. The room has two single beds, which can be joined at the request of guests, and one extra bed in the form of an armchair. It can be optional with a view of the park or a partial view of the sea. Also available for single use. Maximum occupancy is 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child. From the point of view of the comfort and safety of the guests, accommodation of three people plus a baby is not allowed, and a larger type of room is recommended. JUNIOR SUITE 2+2/3+1: 32-36 m² Offers one larger room with two beds (one single and one small double bed) and seating nook with sofa. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children and 3 adults and 1 child. JUNIOR SUITE 2+2/3+1 SIDE SEA: 32-36 m² Offers one larger room with two beds (one single and one small double bed) and seating nook with sofa. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children and 3 adults and 1 child. JUNIOR SUITE 2+2/3+1 SEA VIP: 32-36 m² Offers one larger room with two beds (one single and one small double bed) and seating nook with sofa. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. There have luxury design . The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children and 3 adults and 1 child. SUITE 2+2/3+1: 38-40 m² Offers two separated by a door rooms – a living room with seating nook with an extendable sofa and a bedroom with king-size bed. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, and the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults and 1 child SUITE 2+2/3+1 POOL: 38-40 m² Offers two separate by a door rooms – a living room with seating nook with an extendable sofa and a bedroom with king-size bed. The units have: individually-controlled air conditioning in the period 15. 06 - 15. 09, satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, safety deposit box, bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer, carpet, balcony or terrace. The minimum occupancy is 2 adults, and the maximum occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults and 1 child. Baby cot is provided free of charge, upon request. Pets are not allowed. There are no good facilities for disabled people. About the hotel: : 3 main restaurants: Marina Beach, Holiday Village and Pelican; 2 “A-la-carte” restaurants, open only for dinner, with service. A reservation in advance is required. ( (“Mehana” - Bulgarian national cuisine, in Holiday Village; “Milanese”- Italian cuisine, in Belleville hotel. 3 lobby bars; 4 pool  bars; 1 snack bar at the beach, ) , 1 Disco bar in Holiday Village. 3 outdoor swimming pools, with kid’s pools Sport and SPA: 10 tennis courts; table tennis; archery; stretching, body balance, body combat, tabata, Nordic walking, dance aerobic, water aerobic, step-aerobic,   beach volleyball, beach football
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Hotel Belleville **** Duni resort   Resort: Duni Beach: Sandy, at 200 m distance Location: Duni Resort, located next to Holiday Village Accommodation: The hotel offers accommodation in Double Park / side Sea rooms and in Suites Deluxe Park and Side sea. The hotel has 5 lifts. DBL 2+0/2+1: 22 m² - The room offers 2 single beds and an extensible arm-chair, carpet, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults. DBL 2+0/2+1 SIDE SEA: 22 m² - The room offers 2 single beds and an extensible arm-chair, carpet, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults. SUITE 2+2/3+1 DELUXE: 40 - 42 m² - The premise consists of 2 rooms – one bedroom with a double bed and a living room with an extensible sofa. The rooms are separated with a door or they are 2-storey suite (a Maisonette) . The suite is with a carpet, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults and 1 child or 2 adults and 2 children. SUITE 2+2/3+1 DELUXE SIDE SEA: 40 - 42 m² - The premise consists of 2 rooms – one bedroom with a double bed and a living room with an extensible sofa. The rooms are separated with a door or they are 2-storey suite (a Maisonette) . The suite is with a carpet, an individually controlled air-conditioner during period 15. 06 – 15. 09, a satellite TV, a bathroom with a bath-tub and hair-dryer, a safety box, a mini-bar, a balcony or a terrace. Maximum accommodation 3 adults and 1 child or 2 adults and 2 children. Baby cot is provided free of charge, upon request. Pets are not allowed. There are no good facilities for disabled people. About the hotel and DUNI complex: In Belleville hotel there is an Italian a-la-carte restaurant Milanese, a shop, an internet (game) room, a lobby bar. In the resort there are 3 main restaurants: Marina Beach, Holiday Village and Pelikan; 2 “A-la-carte” restaurants, open only for dinner, with service. A reservation in advance is required. ( (“Mehana” - Bulgarian national cuisine, in Holiday Village; “Milanese”- Italian cuisine, in Belleville hotel;) ; 3 lobby bars; 4 pool  bars; 1 snack bar at the beach; tennis courts’ bar (self-service) , 1 Disco bar in Holiday Village. 3 outdoor swimming pools, with kid’s pools, AQUA PARK, open in the period 01. June – 15. September, 2 kids clubs in Pelican and in Marina Beach, children entertainment, amphitheater with evening show programs in Holiday Village area. 1 conference hall – for up to 150 pax. Sport and SPA: SPA centre in Marina Royal Palace, sport facilities are located all over the resort - 10 tennis courts; table tennis; archery; stretching, body balance, body combat, tabata.  
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